Tuesday, November 30, 2010

oh wooow..WoW...

I caught the itch.  The itch every single ex WoW addict gets once in awhile.
You think you're over it.  You've stopped playing World of Warcraft.  You feel really good, almost as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders..You no longer have to stress and worry about getting your weekly done, you dont have to worry about raiding, delving deep into Ice Crown Citadel, or even the occasional gank fest.
Mainly, for me at least, I forgot the boredom associated with Monday night World of Warcraft playing.
Monday nights consisted of me whining about server resets, along with having nothing to do but farm for my professions, because I'm locked to EVERY dungeon I was given the opportunity to run.

But back to the original subject..I got the itch again.  I had the urge to renew my subscription, even though I knew about 24 hours would consist of downloading a huge 4gig patch because my internet is extremely slow.
I started it up, squeeled with excitement, only to find that they had removed the portals in Dalaran, and Orgrimmar was admittedly amazing, but far to complex.  Whatever, no big issue, I re-did my talents, changed up my casting bars to fit the advice I was given, and joined a random heroic.

Ok, dont get me wrong, I am no WoW goddess.  My main, a Retribution Paladin has a "gearscore" of 5600, not bad, but I could easily do better.  I should be doing adequate damage in the random I joined, but no...I was getting frustrated because they took out the seals I used, they screwed with my blessings...
Blizzard literally turned me from a seasoned WoW player, to a complete noob within the amount of time it takes to log on and select a character.

It seems, the more simple blizz tries to make this game, the harder and more disappointing it gets.
But don't get me wrong, I'll buy Cataclysm.  I don't foresee myself getting utterly addicted to the game again, but who knows.  Perhaps rolling an alliance Worgen will make me fall in love with the game again.  (WHY the horde got goblins is beyond me..I'm going to roll an ally character, and become a traitor!!)

This evening was filled with disappointment and sadness.


I'm just being dramatic now.  Lets hope I can get the hang of this, otherwise it will be a huge waste of 15.00 which I sure could use for groceries and rent ;P

The First blog :3

This is your basic introduction.  Its been so long since I've really blogged, so I may be a bit rusty.
I'm Kirsten.  I'm an average college student, video game enthusiast, Alan Rickman adoring dork.  I spend most of my time on my xbox, though I occasionally turn on the PS3.  I play a lot of shooters, and literally play at least one first person shooter a day.  I also enjoy World of Warcraft, as well as many RPG's (western and Japanese).

RANDOM FACT TIME :D (get to know me before you waste your time reading my blogs :P)
-I'm currently in my third year of college, and hope one day to actually finish and get my Bachelors and ship off to Law school.
-I'm passionate about music, revolutions, and video games.
-I'm a little to in love with Alan Rickman.
-I WILL kick your butt in Gears of War, and most likely Modern Warfare 2...Try, I dare you.
-I belong to an amazing clan on xbox live and have been for 3 years. SYNdicate, though apparently there is another Syndicate..BUT we're better, we started it.  This clan consists of some of the greatest guys (assholes :P) i've ever met.  Botan, DB4G, Verus, Raid3n, Aceman, and Lun4t1k.  We have our differences at times, but I've spent more hours than i can even comprehend playing games with them. 
-I love ALL of my dogs (and I have far to many!)
-I can and will most likely talk to anyone if given the opportunity.  I talk WAY to much.
-My xbox live gamerscore is disappointingly low compared to some people I know.  25,040.  Kevin is catching up, and i will never catch up to ian (100,000 gs asshole!).
-I am a night owl, ENTIRELY.

Ok sorry for boring you. I'll post a worthwhile blog about something interesting sometime after class.